Co-creation workshops

La Cuina del MACBA
Collaboratively construction around Pont de Matacavalls at Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona
Collective construction of a portable playground to revitalize public spaces in the neighbourhood of Les Roquetes (Barcelona).
A 40-day experimentation and research process that, through four devices, tracks historical models and speculate on new contexts of living and future paths for design practice
Experimental and collaborative investigation that wants to return to the past to learn about important key referents in history, to understand the present, and to us move towards the future to advance new paths in the practice of design.
Un dispositivo cartográfico de proyectos, iniciativas y comunidades que, a través de la práctica, buscan mutar el territorio e investigan nuevas formas de habitar desde el respecto a las personas y al entorno.
Collaborative design and construction of a system of outdoor seating as a primary intervention to create new uses for the school playground/car park.
Design and constructing for a mobile workshop table and a collective toolbox to be used in the self-building process of the Ateneu Santboià Athenaeum Terrace.
Codesign and build the initial infrastructure needed to enable new uses, dynamics and relationships to develop at the empty lot and in the community at large.
Diseño y construcción colectiva de los elementos de mobiliario para la 'residencia de artistas' del centro cultural Medialab-Prado (Madrid).
Diseño y construcción colectiva de mobiliario urbano para el Parque Lineal de Rivas a partir de señalética vial en desuso
El taller planteó la intervención del patio trasero del Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Quito (Ecuador), renombrado por lxs vecinxs como plaza La Pícara Juana.
Diseño y construcción colectiva de la nueva biblioteca infantil Mafalda Vive de Montalvo (Ecuador) junto con el colectivo quiteño Tranvía Cero